Albanny Technologies – Web Design, Mobile App Development, SEO, and Digital Marketing Services

How to Go Viral on Social Media

With the steady increase in social media engagement, everyone now wants to go viral on social media. Everyone wants their posts, videos or pictures blowing up the internet especially if it’s a business or brand-related post. This is because, the more your posts go viral on social media, the higher your social media engagement and […]

How to Create a Portfolio Website

How to Create a Portfolio Website

One of the biggest challenges freelancers have is how to create a portfolio website.A portfolio website is a carefully curated online platform that highlights your best work. Additionally, it stands out as one of the most convenient and memorable methods to present your projects to potential clients, or employers. Furthermore, a portfolio website serves as […]

5 Web Design Hacks You Never Knew

Top Web Design Hacks You Never Knew

Did you know that there are specific web design hacks to create an aesthetic website? Everyone loves an aesthetically pleasing website design, right? But have you ever wondered how these websites are made? Well, if you’re a web designer you might be accustomed to the usual web design procedures. Nevertheless, this article is here to […]

How to Grow Your Email List Organically

It’s one thing to understand email marketing and it’s another to grow your email list organically.Now that every marketer is vying for attention, what is the fate of those who can’t grow their email list organically?That’s why this article is here for you! If you’ve ever given up trying to grow your email list organically, […]

Understanding Social Media Algorithms

Understanding Social Media Algorithms

With the way everyone’s using social media to their advantage, understanding social media algorithms is the key to online success.Currently, social media is now an integral part of our daily lives. It shapes people’s choices and connects everyone globally. However, behind the scenes, algorithms play a pivotal role in determining what content users see and […]

The Power of Online Communities

The Power of Online Communities

Ever wondered why almost everyone is interested in Online Communities? Here’s the deal! Imagine a world where people come together, sharing ideas, and working towards common goals. That’s the power of online communities. These are like special groups on the internet where individuals connect and collaborate, all without being in the same physical location.Therefore, whether […]

How Much Does it Cost to Run a Website for One Year

How Much Does it Cost to Run a Website for One Year

If you’ve ever wondered how much it costs to run a website for one year, then this post is for you. Also, if you’ve ever heard people talk about their websites and how they can run them comfortably and you’ve wondered how much it must have cost them, please read till the end. When it […]

How To Carry Out an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

How To Carry Out an Effective Digital Marketing

It’s one thing to understand digital marketing and it’s another thing to carry out an effective digital marketing campaign. In today’s world, digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. Generally, it involves promoting products or services through various digital channels like social media, search […]

3 Major SEO Strategies

Businessman using a computer for analysis SEO Search Engine

Do you know that certain SEO strategies are extremely effective for your website ranking? In today’s world where almost everything is carried out digitally. Having a strong online presence has become increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. Moreover, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to improve the visibility and […]

7 Steps to own 100% copyright of your website source code and content


A copyright law protects you from those who would copy and exploit your work for financial gain. However, copyright protection has some limits. in other to own 100 percent copyright of your website source code and all of its content , bellow are the under-listed steps to follow. Ensure that you create original content Make […]